Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Program

Quebec has established new immigration pilot programs for food industry employees, orderlies, and technology workers to assist in meeting critical labor needs in a variety of significant sectors.

This comprehensive WISA India website will aid you in establishing your eligibility for each of the pilot projects.

Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Program Overview

Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Program were created to assist the government in finding the talent it requires in a number of industries that are currently experiencing labor shortages. The Ministere de l’Immigration, de la Francisation, et de l’Integration (MIFI) proposes to issue Quebec Selection Certificates (QSC) to up to 600 primary candidates and their family members under each of the three experimental programmes.

All three trial projects will run through January 1, 2026.

Food Processing Workers PR Pilot Program

This pilot initiative paves the way for temporary foreign employees in the food processing industry to obtain permanent residency.

From November 3, 2021, until December 31, 2022, or until the maximum number of applications is obtained, the application period will be open.

General Prerequisites

  • You must be at least 18 years old and want to work in Quebec.
  • Have fulfilled the terms of your stay in Quebec;
  • You must be able to demonstrate financial self-sufficiency for at least the first three months after moving to Quebec.

Education Prerequisites

  • Hold a diploma equivalent to at least a high school diploma or a Quebec vocational diploma from a one-year full-time program of study.

Requirements for Work Experience

  • Hold a full-time job in an eligible sector in Quebec; or 
  • Have worked in an eligible, full-time, paid position in an eligible sector in Quebec for at least 24 months in the 36 months before the date of application;
  • The work experience or job must be in one of two approved sectors as defined by the Government of Canada’s North American Industry Classification System (NAICS):
    • Food manufacturing (NAICS 311); or 
    • beverage manufacturing (NAICS 3121).

Language Prerequisites

  • Show knowledge of French equivalent to level 7 (advanced intermediate) on the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des adultes, or equivalent.

Occupations of Interest

The work experience or present position must relate to one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) occupations:

  • NOC 6732 – Specialized cleaner
  • NOC 8431 – General farm worker, but only in the position of chicken catcher
  • NOC 9461 – Process control and machine operator, food and beverage processing
  • NOC 9462 – Industrial butcher and meat cutter, poultry preparer, and related worker
  • NOC 9463 – Fish and seafood plant worker
  • NOC 9617 – Labourer in food and beverage processing
  • NOC 9618 – Labourer in fish and seafood

Orderlies PR Pilot Program

This Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Program provides a road to Canadian permanent resident status for persons who already live in Quebec and work as orderlies, nurses aides, or patient service associates. This program is separated into the two streams listed below:

  • Work 
  • Work-Study

From November 3, 2021, until December 31, 2022, or until the maximum number of applications is obtained, the application period will be open.

General Prerequisites for Both Streams

  • You must be at least 18 years old and want to work in Quebec.
  • Have fulfilled the terms of your stay in Quebec;
  • Demonstrate financial self-sufficiency for at least three months after arriving in Quebec.
  • Show knowledge of French equivalent to level 7 (advanced intermediate) on the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des adultes, or equivalent.

Work Stream – Specific Conditions

Education Prerequisites

  • Hold a credential connected to the occupation of orderly achieved after finishing at least a one-year full-time program of study; the diploma must equate to a diploma of vocational studies (DEP) in Quebec.

Requirements for Work Experience

  • At least 24 months of work experience as an orderly in Quebec in the 36 months preceding the application date; or 
  • At least 12 months working in a health vocation involving basic personal care outside of Quebec and at least 12 months working as an orderly in Quebec during the 36 months before the application date; 
  • Work experience must have been lawfully obtained, compensated, and full-time.

Occupations of Interest

The work experience or present job must match the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) code:

  • NOC 3413 – Nurse aide, orderly, and patient service associate.

Alternatively, the work experience may have been gained outside of Quebec in an occupation other than the one listed above; nonetheless, it must correlate to one of the following NOC codes:

  • NOC 3011 – Nursing coordinator and supervisor
  • NOC 3012 – Registered nurse and registered psychiatric nurse
  • NOC 3124 – Allied primary health practitioner
  • NOC 3233 – Licensed practical nurse
  • NOC 4412 – Home support worker, housekeeper, and related occupations

Work-Study Stream- Specific Conditions

Education Prerequisites

  • Have received a Quebec diploma of vocational studies (DEP) leading to the practice of an ordered occupation within the 24 months before the date of application submission;
  • To be eligible for the work-study program, applicants must have completed the Institutional and Home Care Assistance Program and possess a secondary diploma in vocational studies.

Requirements for Work Experience

Have at least 12 months of work experience as an orderly in Quebec, accrued between the date of application and the date of completion of the program of study;

Work experience must be lawfully obtained, paid, and full-time.

Applicants must be recruited by a Quebec business and acquire a work permit after completing their program of study.

AI, IT and Visual Effects Workers PR Pilot Program

This permanent immigration pilot programme intends to recruit and retain Quebec graduates in artificial intelligence, as well as foreign talent working in the technology sector in Quebec or with a job offer from a Quebec enterprise.

The course is divided into two sections:

  • Information technology and Visual Effects (IT/VE) 
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This program seeks to hire 300 Quebec graduates and temporary workers in the AI industry, as well as 300 international workers in the IT/VE sector.

From November 3, 2021, until December 31, 2022, or until the maximum number of applications is obtained, the application period will be open.

General Prerequisites for Both Streams

  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • Intend to relocate to Quebec to work;
  • Have fulfilled the terms of your stay in Quebec, if applicable;
  • Demonstrate financial self-sufficiency for at least three months after arriving in Quebec.

Language Prerequisites for Both Streams

This program’s two streams feature a French-speaker and a non-French-speaker profile.

  • Those chosen for the French-speaker profile must have knowledge of French equivalent to level 7 (advanced intermediate) on the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des adultes, or an equivalent level.
  • Those who choose the Non-French-Speaker profile will be automatically enrolled in a free, individualized program called “Accompagnement Quebec,” which is aimed to aid in the process of assimilating into Quebec society and learning French.

Artificial Intelligence Stream – Specific Conditions

Foreign Workers

Requirements for Education and Work Experience

  • Have a diploma equivalent to a Quebec bachelor’s degree and two years of full-time work experience in National Occupational Classification level 0, A, or B jobs; or 
  • Have obtained a diploma equivalent to a Quebec master’s or Ph.D. in the last year before submitting the application and hold or have accepted a job in the AI sector in Quebec. If the employer is located outside of the Metropolitan Montreal Community, the gross annual pay for the employee must be at least $75,000, or at least $100,000 if the employer is located inside the Metropolitan Montreal Community.

Graduates from Quebec

Requirements for Education and Work Experience

  • Have a diploma in higher specialized studies (DESS), a master’s degree, or a Ph.D. from a Quebec educational institution awarded within the last 24 months;
  • Have or have accepted a full-time job in the AI sector in Quebec;
  • Applicants with a diploma of higher specialized studies (DESS) must have worked full-time in a National Occupational Classification (NOC) level 0, A, or B for at least 6 months after completing their studies.
  • Have spent at least half of the academic year in Quebec as a student.

IT and Visual Effects Stream – Specific Conditions

Requirements for Education

  • A credential equivalent to a Quebec diploma of college studies – technical training or a Quebec bachelor’s degree is required.

Requirements for Work Experience

  • Have had eligible full-time employment for at least two years; and 
  • hold or accept full-time qualifying employment at the maximum salary for your profession, as published on the Emploi-Quebec website.

Occupations of Interest

The work experience or present position must relate to one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) occupations:

  • NOC 0213 – Computer and information systems manager
  • NOC 2133 – Electrical and electronics engineer
  • NOC 2171 – Information systems analyst and consultant
  • NOC 2173 – Software engineer and designer
  • NOC 2174 – Computer programmer and interactive media developer
  • NOC 2241 – Electrical and electronics engineering technologist and technician
  • NOC 2281 – Computer network technician
  • NOC 5131 – Producer, director, choreographer, and related occupations, 
  • NOC 5225 – Audio and video recording technician, 
  • NOC 5241 – Graphic designer and illustrator

Quebec Pilot Program Application Process

Permanent residence applications in Canada are handled in two stages under Quebec’s schemes. To get a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ), applicants must first apply to the Quebec government. After obtaining the CSQ, individuals can apply to the federal government for permanent residence.

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