
Religion, Holidays Observed, Celebrations

Whether they originate from an act of Parliament, religious custom or just social tradition, there are several special days of celebrations in Canada for Canadians. A “legal holiday” in Canada …

Culture, Arts, Social Life

Culture is at the very heart of a nation. As countries become more economically integrated, nations need strong domestic cultures and cultural expression to maintain their sovereignty and sense of …

Geography of Canada

Canada is the second largest country on earth—10 million square kilometres. Three oceans line Canada’s frontiers: the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, and the …

About Canada

Just like the proverbial saying, Canada may be likened to a land flowing with milk and honey, filled with opportunities and a thriving environment. No wonder its cities are some …

Business in Canada

This is another way to migrate with your family while you watch your money grow in the sanest business climates. Your experience and business know-how are invaluable assets that can …

Work In Canada

If working abroad to gain international work experience appeals to you, or you simply want to improve life for your family, this may just be the right program for you. Many …

Study In Canada

Studying abroad is a very rewarding and life-changing experience. As leading immigration consultants, WISA helps you make the most of this huge investment in time and cost with our proven …

Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Program

Quebec has established new immigration pilot programs for food industry employees, orderlies, and technology workers to assist in meeting critical labor needs in a variety of significant sectors. This comprehensive …

Quebec Expression of Interest System

To apply for permanent selection under the Quebec Regular Skilled Worker Program, foreign nationals must first submit an online Expression of Interest (EOI) using the Arrima portal. The EOI contains …

Quebec Skilled Worker Program Overview

Quebec occupies a unique position in the Canadian immigration scene, because of its French language and cultural heritage. The province manages its own permanent resident immigration programmers. The Regular Skilled …